Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
may you always be
as much as relationships trip me out... the aftermath of it all proves the most astounding (to me). boggles my mind how you can have this long, meaningful, drama-filled, emotions-on-high relationship and then when it's all said and done (keyword: done), and you've moved on... you're like, well... simply enough, a different person.
you're not the person that texts them randomly during the day anymore. you're no longer the person that saved that text message. and you sure aren't the person who's been saving up for that 3rd year anniversary surprise because... well there's no third year anniversary anymore.
your fingers don't automatically dial his number when something terrible just happened. maybe they're dialing someone else's number now. maybe you just stopped leaning on the support of others overall. you're no longer that person that relies on him to be your rock.
it's not like due to the break-up... you don't care about that person anymore... you're just.. a different person without them. and you're a different person with him. and the him after that. and every "him" before.
don't assume i don't care, because i do. i just don't think it's fair to me or you to tell you all the time that i still care because what... what good is that going to do? it's going to put us back in reverse and that's the last thing we need. i'm friends with all of my exes who meant something to me... because i won't front, y'all still do. i wish you the best of the best and that you find love and happiness somewhere and at some time. even if it wasn't with me, even if we didn't make it work, i would have never gotten at you if i didn't care about you.
in fact, i wouldn't have went as far as being your girlfriend, if i didn't care about you a lot. so, don't ever wonder if i don't care. i do. i'm just... different.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
day, dream, i fell asleep beneath the flowers
read this.
pretty please?
with not just two, but three cherries on top.
it will be the constant reminder that if you live without passion, you are not living. you are simply just existing.
follow your dreams.
this definitely cured a huge helping of my "cold feet" about the future. :) hope it does the same for someone else.
thank you, ryan naritaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
pretty please?
with not just two, but three cherries on top.
it will be the constant reminder that if you live without passion, you are not living. you are simply just existing.
follow your dreams.
this definitely cured a huge helping of my "cold feet" about the future. :) hope it does the same for someone else.
thank you, ryan naritaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sunday, October 10, 2010
gobble gobble
i am thankful for....
friends to miss
love to hold
lessons to learn
family to humble
food to eat
a warm bed
good health
positive vibes
friends to miss
love to hold
lessons to learn
family to humble
food to eat
a warm bed
good health
positive vibes
Saturday, October 9, 2010
back to the basics

Name: maria nguyen what uppp
Nickname(s): mo, momo, nugget, nugger, mars, reah, mareezie, mareeeeezy, mamacita, 'nene.
Age: 17
Current Location: edmonton, word.
Eye Color: light brown
Hair Color: open for interpretation
Height: 4'11 - 5'0 depending on the time of the day
Zodiac Sign: saggy
Crushing?: i crush bitches, that's what mah papi say.
Pets: allergic to everything but water and sex songs
Job: famoso pizza, shaw conference center.
Special Talent/Skills: i place stickers like a bawse
Fears: being homeless or in debt
Bedtime: when my face gets sleepy!
Parents’ Relationship: i have parents
Piercings: tongue, nose, belly button, ears.
Tattoos: "family" in kanji on my back
Siblings: 1 younger hermana, 1 older hermana, 1 older hermano.
Favourite colour(s): invisibility
Favorite Animal: axolotl, dragon.
Favorite Bands/Artists: talent
Why *Blogspot?: to keep myself in check, holla.
go girl, its yo birthday...
actually, my birthday is december 3rd. it's soon.. not that soon but time flies! also i hear about it every day so i'm allowed to be excited. oh and it isn't like i planned the entire weekend of my big day already (sike)... or that i will finally be legal... but i have constructed a list of things that i will hopefully be able to grab for myself or receive as a gift?! =) i love things.
usually i deck out for my own birthday.
i don't know.
me and myself, we tight you know.
i got my back.
that's word.
let's gooo.
or any hardcover book with pictures of anything i'm interested in
choices include (but are not limited to):
black guys
monsters and/or aliens
(i will also be [happily] accepting comic books... any comic books)
monsters and/or aliens
(i will also be [happily] accepting comic books... any comic books)
third and final book of The Hunger Games :))))
little monster stickers... preferably wall decals!
but i fucks with any stickers.
... because it's about basketball.
a strapless black dress to get my fancy on.
my two unicorns ariana & larita
HELLA miss the three of us together
HELLA miss the three of us together
completely and absolutely this.
miss you
miss you
food. lots and lots of food.
a new blackberry :(
a new york cheesecake cupcake... mmmmm
a toaster. no seriously.
a toaster. no seriously.
i think that's all. for now.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
whenever love knocks tell it to come in, because refusal might lead to 'never again'
i want... love.
*deep inhale*
*hold it*
*slow exhale*
yes i do.
it doesn't have to come right now... but i would be lying if i said that i would be content if i was near approaching thirty (even like... twenty five) and there wasn't some handsome man who i spoke to every day, that i knew in my heart, absolutely frickin loved me.
i want rain or shine. the kind of love that could withstand hundreds of miles. love that suffocates and steals short, long, and deep breaths, all at the same time.
i want the-best-part-of-my-day. the kind you can rely on and not question after each/any fight. a love that doesn't blame. i want the hard work and not the easy way out. i want the little things (they really DO matter the most).
i want the face that never leaves my brain. i want whatever i can get and it still ain't enough. i wanna be sprungggg. i want that let'sstaytogether-algreen. i want slow kisses and warm embraces (not hugs). i want to look into someones eyes and wonder how this angel got lost and decided he actually found heaven with me (rofflemywaffle).
and a lot more... i want to be surprised now and then by love by what i knew all along. i want to hear "you guys will have no problems" after one glance at us. i want THAT GOOD GOOD!
but i am patient.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
happy first of the month
eaaaasily the most frustrating day of my life. at least the bullshit is somewhat entertaining.
this will keep me sane
fuck aaaalll yallll
this will keep me sane
fuck aaaalll yallll
wish you best of luck, now im finna throw them deuces up
lately these days i've been super picky with people. anything such as taking too long to reply, hearing from people who i never speak to asking for favours, or people who i barely remember (or even know, matter of fact) asking me if i wanna go eat like we been homie'd up for years - makes me throw my phone to the other side of the room. i aint hatin or nothin like that... it just seems to get easier each day to weed out the questionable "friendships" from the real ones.
i hear my friends complaining about their friends and all i ever have to say is "kill that shit. because it's DEAD WEIGHT."
i find myself getting annoyed with people who squeeze right into that category. dead weight relationships. excessive negativity. un-necessary contacts. flakes. people who have nothing better to do with their time so they hit up everyone they can who they assume will listen.
i swear i spend more of my time ignoring people than i do responding to them.
maybe that's my bad, maybe i have a problem where i can only open up to certain people, and a bigger problem where i only keep in touch with people who i feel like i can open up to.
cause i mean... if i have enough friends who i can hit up regularly and continue to manifest substance-filled, reliable, growing friendships, why would i sweat myself to maintain shitty, low-key, un-exciting, stand-still contacts?
if i have enough bomb ass friends... it's kind of common sense that i could just be like "fuck all yall who aint them" because it's not like they make the effort to be, right? they just front. the ones who make an overwhelming amount of plans so they can cancel on this person for that person, and twitter about that lunch with this "homie," or put up pictures on facebook of the dinner with those girls. they just need people to pencil in so it looks like they have a life. relationship-dependent people who need to look like they are wanted by others.
but for real, i ain't the one. don't turn to me cause someone flaked on you, i have better things to do. there is a difference between wanting to genuinely catch up with a person and then wanting to fill a void in your life with different people. i find myself automatically replying with a, "yeh i'd be down, hit me up when you're free i'll let you know what's up" - just to be courteous, even though i know i won't hear from them, and quite frankly i'm content with not having to.
i've adjusted to abundance of friendship in my life, and my homies... they always come through. rain or shine. the ones who i know will provide good company out of friendship, and not out of convenience. the ones who see kickin it as just kickin it, not an 8PM appointment on a saturday. to this day, i still get excited over seeing my BEST FRIENDS, who i just saw the other day. who ask specific questions and tell me things i care about enough to not go ADD the second their mouths produce sound.
and some of you may be reading this thinking... "i don't give a fuck what you have to tell me anyway" and you know why? cause you're that person. the exact one i been writing about. the one who treats people as if they are indispensable, because you have too much of a hard time having a relationship with yourself. the one who expects attention from others but disposes of them when asked to hold up your half of the friendship. that's cool though, i don't give a fuck either. you're just dead weight.
i hear my friends complaining about their friends and all i ever have to say is "kill that shit. because it's DEAD WEIGHT."
i find myself getting annoyed with people who squeeze right into that category. dead weight relationships. excessive negativity. un-necessary contacts. flakes. people who have nothing better to do with their time so they hit up everyone they can who they assume will listen.
i swear i spend more of my time ignoring people than i do responding to them.
maybe that's my bad, maybe i have a problem where i can only open up to certain people, and a bigger problem where i only keep in touch with people who i feel like i can open up to.
cause i mean... if i have enough friends who i can hit up regularly and continue to manifest substance-filled, reliable, growing friendships, why would i sweat myself to maintain shitty, low-key, un-exciting, stand-still contacts?
if i have enough bomb ass friends... it's kind of common sense that i could just be like "fuck all yall who aint them" because it's not like they make the effort to be, right? they just front. the ones who make an overwhelming amount of plans so they can cancel on this person for that person, and twitter about that lunch with this "homie," or put up pictures on facebook of the dinner with those girls. they just need people to pencil in so it looks like they have a life. relationship-dependent people who need to look like they are wanted by others.
but for real, i ain't the one. don't turn to me cause someone flaked on you, i have better things to do. there is a difference between wanting to genuinely catch up with a person and then wanting to fill a void in your life with different people. i find myself automatically replying with a, "yeh i'd be down, hit me up when you're free i'll let you know what's up" - just to be courteous, even though i know i won't hear from them, and quite frankly i'm content with not having to.
i've adjusted to abundance of friendship in my life, and my homies... they always come through. rain or shine. the ones who i know will provide good company out of friendship, and not out of convenience. the ones who see kickin it as just kickin it, not an 8PM appointment on a saturday. to this day, i still get excited over seeing my BEST FRIENDS, who i just saw the other day. who ask specific questions and tell me things i care about enough to not go ADD the second their mouths produce sound.
and some of you may be reading this thinking... "i don't give a fuck what you have to tell me anyway" and you know why? cause you're that person. the exact one i been writing about. the one who treats people as if they are indispensable, because you have too much of a hard time having a relationship with yourself. the one who expects attention from others but disposes of them when asked to hold up your half of the friendship. that's cool though, i don't give a fuck either. you're just dead weight.
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