Thursday, March 19, 2009

[insert here] kinda love

[mos def, mos blessed, the mos love but the mos stress] kinda love
[the perfect steak; rare, but anytime, cept only so few are good and those few are hard to find, satisfying end to an anticipated night, tough to swallow but too easy to enjoy] kinda love
[fuck a puppy love...tough rough rider, ready to fight for it like a rotweiler] kinda love
[forget being good to you, imma be the best to you] kinda love
[hecka jonesin for ya. nope, not for sex, nope not for intimate, but yes to fixin, and yes to completion] kinda love
[not the last chance, last dance, make it worth it kinda love but the time is finally feeling right, no more limited painful nights, just me & you... for life] kinda love
[unjealous, unboastful, undoubted, unhopeful, secure, for sure, for us] kinda love
[you got it bad] kinda love
[can i just...] kinda love
[on lock] kinda love
