Wednesday, May 12, 2010


LeBron to the Chicago Bulls.

what a trip. right? all i can say is there will be many heartbroken Cleveland Cavalier fans if this is the case for 2010-2011 & the cavs will never be the same to say the least. james alongside drool-worthy derrick rose? that "doesn't make the bulls automatic champs," but it'll definitely be a shit show. the supporting cast james would have? wow. can't wait to see what happens. game 6 tomorrow against boston!!! it's currently 8:26 pm which means that it's less than 24 hours away which means i can barely contain myself. holy. shit.

ahhhh so hot so hot soooo hot.

besides that though, today is one of those days.
not one of those shitty days, or off days, or messed up days. but one of those beautiful days. where everything turns out so beautifully, and you notice every little detail that contributes to the serendipity which you call your life.

little details like...
- getting the shoes for the event you've been waiting on since you could comprehend its magnitude (graduation) at a discounted price
- having one of your best friends come home from a trip to vegas and feeling like everything makes sense again (hahahah)
- having people tell you that you are glowing... yeaaaa that's like crack for me. foreal :)
- trying on different lipstick shades with your mom at MAC makeup only to find that you hope to grow and age even half as beautifully as she has, if you're lucky; mom, you are the most gorgeous woman alive :)
- coming to appreciate and acknowledge gratefully those people who text you daily; especially the ones who text you every day to tell you how pretty/cute/amazing you are. jl/ey/jn/jf madinsanelove what would i do without you?
- playing volleyball and getting bruises all over your forearms due to a volleyball that is wayyy too hard, but doing it anyway because you get to spend time with your girls in beautiful weather and get an unlimited, guaranteed supply of shits and giggles.
- looking outside to a beautiful sunset to realize that everything in your life is exactly the way it should be, with the people that should be in it, doing the things that you should be doing.

to say that i am blessed, is an understatement. if there is a word for some sort of slice-of-ultimate-divinity in my life, let me know, so i don't have to keep saying sliceofultimatedivinity cause it's a lot to type out haha. thank you to everyone who does their part to keep me sane and glowing, and the ones who did their share of shit so i know to never take the good ones for granted. most of all, i am ever in debt to those who have taught me that relying on myself has got me where i wanted to be - not many people can say that they are standing in a spot that they are content with, but i do :) maybe it's the sun... or all the shit that's in store. whatever it is - i'm on cloud nine, and for once, i can rely on it to come through, because it's all me.