- stumbled on this while checking out fashionbombdaily. tell me this is not sick crazy and amazing.

"Boxing Kitten," a line designed by Maya Lake. ooooh wee.
- living on this stuff.

- Veradero, Cuba. Sol Sirenas Coral Resort. See you in less than 4 weeks.

- finals this week and next... and then i'm donnnneeee! can't wait to finally start. my. life.
- moving to my temporary place saturday! can't wait to see the new house at the end of july. packing turns me into a grumpy old woman. thank God it's almost over.
- "do things that make you feel like you're living rather than existing." words that have contaminated my mindddddd.
"Boxing Kitten," a line designed by Maya Lake. ooooh wee.
- living on this stuff.
- Veradero, Cuba. Sol Sirenas Coral Resort. See you in less than 4 weeks.
- finals this week and next... and then i'm donnnneeee! can't wait to finally start. my. life.
- moving to my temporary place saturday! can't wait to see the new house at the end of july. packing turns me into a grumpy old woman. thank God it's almost over.
- "do things that make you feel like you're living rather than existing." words that have contaminated my mindddddd.