i guess i had fun. and yes, my cuban boyfriend who spoke poor but sexy english caught that fishy for me. i brought him back, what happens in cuba, does not always stay in cuba.
hahahaha i'm just joking. i definitely had the time of my life though. the beach. the drinks. the people. the cubans.
so hospitable and beautiful, ahhh yes. i miss it. the lack of destination, never having to be anywhere, but loving where you were all the time. i miss looking at all that WATER. i miss the humidity. the sun. wind surfing. banana boating. spilling all our alcohol in the pool ("i swear... osmosis drunk") and emptying out the pool bar daily. dancing and partying every night. all that volume in my hair lmao. wearing a bra probably twice that entire trip (excluding arrival and departure) and how everything just seemed to look good.
i think i will move somewhere with a lot of humidity and a big, big beach. it is now in my plans haha.
but i swear, once my friends and i hit the toronto airport (6 hour layover on the way home *facepalm), we missed "real" food SO much that we munched out hard. and i mean HARD.
we couldn't even fit all the food into the picture hahaha. or we were too hungry to try. chicken ceaser salad never tasted sooo0o0o goooood.
also, i was not a fan of layovers there and back.
... i'm under there, somewhere. i promise.
and i missed this little nerdbomber. scratch that, i STILL miss her.
lmao sorry my brain can't generate anything more meaningful than a shitload of pictures at the moment. i've spent the past week and a half eating all the food i missed so terribly. alreaddyy planning my next vaca... :)