for the sake of us. for the sake of you. for the sake of me.
for world peace.
lol, just kidding.
this happens at least once in one's dating life, i'm sure. you know... when fights work their way into your daily routine? when the only sex you have is make up sex? when you can't even smile at the little things that used to make you shiver and lose your shit?!? when you can't stand the person you've become?
ok let me break it down if you still don't know what i'm getting at. first person point of view. i hate who i've become with you, so why stay? why try to work it out if i can't even stand to be around not only you, but MYSELF. what good am i doing? i'm not fixing me, i'm not fixing you, and i am certainly, not fixing us. matter of fact, i'm doing the complete opposite, and if it's not already a point of the obvious, i'm sick of this shit. so why don't i just leave.
because you're not going to leave. i know you. and you? you're CRAZY. the crazy one never leaves. i thought everyone knew that!? everyone except the crazy one, apparently. the crazy one breaks up momentarily only to rush back. why do you do that? oh yeah, you're fuckin crazy!
just so it's clear, i don't like crazy. i don't do crazy. crazy and i, we ain't friends. the more crazy you get on me, the less crazy i am about you. you were so cool when we first started dating and then you got mothafuckin CRRRRRRRAAAAZYYY! up in this. and shit, now it's too late to go back to cool, cause i'm already fully aware of the capability of your psycho antics, and that's just. not. cool.
so since i'm already well on my way to falling - or more appropriately, walking, running, BOOKING IT - out of love, why don't i just leave for good? because what's the point of dragging on "us" when only one of us really wants to remain in love? (you. crazy.) what's the satisfaction in that? there is none. i hate me so much when i'm with you, that i'm starting to hate YOU. so before i end up actually hating you and destroy any chance of us ever being friends in the future without that awkward i-hated-you bullshit, why don't i just leave? to SAVE me. to SAVE you. to save US, the us that could be platonic friends in the future.
well maybe. as long as you're not crazy if and by the time comes.
so for the last time, since you're already dissing my shit daily and telling me how much you wish i would change, let me give you a time saver. i won't. i love who i am - even if that means i can only be that person when i'm not with you. how can you say you love me when "you can't say you're happy either, you don't even smile, for me" - drake (lets call it off). you can't. you don't, and for that exact reason, i don't love me either when i'm with you because no matter what i do, it's not enough - and i know i'm enough. so being made as someone inadequate - well, sorry to break it to you, but that's not enough FOR ME. so why don't i just leave?